Best Managed VPS Hosting For WordPress
VPS hosting is a step up from shared hosting in terms of performance, but also price. There are some low-cost managed VPS hosting providers, but if you really want to keep costs low, it’s probably best to check out our list of recommended shared hosting providers and combine them with our recommended wordpress plugins to really optimize performance.
Managed VPS hosting means that the technical management of the server is taken care of by the hosting provider, so there’s absolutely no technical knowledge needed. Managed VPS hosting is perfect for sites that have outgrown their shared hosting accounts, or sites that need to handle large spikes in traffic with no impact on performance or uptime.
We’ve put together a list of our recommended managed VPS hosting providers for every stage of your website’s growth! We’re constantly on the lookout for new hosting providers and plans, so rest assured that these are the best options to date.
VPS hosting for bootstrapped websites
If you want to keep your budget low, again, you should probably be looking at our list of recommended shared hosting providers. But if you can afford to spend a few more dollars per month, going from shared hosting to managed VPS can provide huge performance benefits.

Dreamhost is your best bet if you want managed VPS hosting at a great price. Dreamhost is also one of our recommended shared hosting providers, so it’s easy to start on a shared hosting account and grow into the VPS account when you’re ready. The Dreamhost managed VPS account comes with SSD storage and unlimited bandwidth. You can also pay month-to-month so you don’t have any big upfront costs. It’s also PCI-compliant for ecommerce.
VPS hosting for fast-growing websites
If you have a fast-growing wordpress site, you want to make sure the hosting account you choose has room for you to grow and can handle unexpected spikes in traffic with ease. But even though you’re growing, you want to still be budget-conscious. For these fast-growing sites, we recommend these two hosts:

Inmotion is one of the best hosting provider around, known for speed, customer service and great prices. Their prices are very reasonable for what you get and they don’t limit the number of visitors to your website. Between very generous bandwidth limits and the ability to host unlimited sites, there’s plenty of room for growth with hosting accounts from Inmotion.

Dreamhost is also a great option for fast-growing sites because they don’t cap bandwidth at all and they are known for speed and reliability.
VPS hosting for large websites
Larger websites require more bandwidth and storage, and you need to pay a bit more to meet those requirements. You also want to choose a host that is known for reliability and can handle heavy traffic while still delivering your site as fast as possible to viewers. In this case, we recommend:

LiquidWeb is one of the leaders in hosting. They own all of their data centers, so you know you’re getting great prices by eliminating the middleman. They are known for exceptional website speed. The only downside is that LiquidWeb is made for larger websites, so it’s not very affordable to grow into them. But if your website is big enough that you have be in this general price range anyway, then Liquidweb is the hosting provider you should be with.

Inmotion is also another great option for large websites, as their larger managed VPS hosting plans allow for extremely generous bandwidth and storage usage. With Inmotion, you’ll never have to worry about traffic spikes bringing down your website or hindering speed. And because they have smaller plans that also provide great value, Inmotion is a great option if you plan on being a large website but are not quite there. Unlike LiquidWeb, Inmotion does have bandwidth caps, but it’s also cheaper.
VPS hosting for hosting multiple websites
Maybe you’re an agency and you want to keep all your clients on one account for easy management. Or maybe you want all your subsidiaries on the same hosting account. Or you just want to be able to host multiple websites to see cost savings.

LiquidWeb immediately becomes the lowest cost and highest performance option if you’re hosting multiple sites. No matter how big your portfolio of websites is, Liquidweb can certainly handle it. And given their huge storage allotments and unlimited bandwidth, you will probably never run into problems with limits or growth.

Inmotion is also a great option for people who need to host multiple websites on one account. Obviously the more websites you host, the better value it becomes. Inmotion offers slightly higher storage than LiquidWeb, but does limit bandwidth. But if your bandwidth usage is within an Inmotion plan, they are a great option.
There you have it! We’re always updating this page, so if you have any recommendations or experiences with these hosts, let us know in the comments below!